Choosing a good way Modem

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Choosing a good way Modem - Internet is now available everywhere, in schools, colleges, cafes, canteens, bars, hotels, government offices use both the free (free) and are paid.

For a free course is not as free as many people think, including me ... hehehe ... is not possible given free internet access just like that of course there are the conditions. Usually in a canteen for example there are banners reading Free WiFi, free of course is not for everyone but is free for visitors canteen itself is calculated to be equally beneficial.

Benefits for the owner of the canteen is to provide free Internet access facilities to enhance visitors kantinnya as well as the visitors canteen itself, while waiting for food or drink orders, a visitor canteen can perform activities on the internet of course to obtain a username and password from the cafeteria manager.

Few posts above describe the use of the Internet for free in several major cities in Indonesia as a service to consumers.

And what about the home internet users who use the internet connection using a modem? manakan the best modem, or modem Which of choice. Is the modem CDMA, GSM the most good?

According to my experience while using either a modem or modem cdma gsm modem, it's about access speed depends on the speed of access are available on each modem. The greater the faster the access speed Internet access is also performed.

Problem cdma or gsm modem should have a few things to consider before buying a modem cdma or gsm like.

1. Signal to access the Internet using a modem cdma. Suppose you buy a modem cdma merencakanan with flexi card, sure to be considered is whether the signal that is in place you enough to make Internet access.
2. Select the appropriate cdma card with the region where you live that has the highest signal for internet usage is not disrupted even if there is any disturbance.
3. Before choosing a card cdma or gsm should conduct a survey of modem usage fees for each card. Surveys can be done by asking colleagues who've used both cdma and gsm modem or also to seek information as possible on the internet.
4. Make sure that the speed Internet access to the modem you buy is in conformity with what it says on the box the modem eg 3.6 Mbps or 7.2 Mbps.

Hopefully a bit of information from the Learning Computer Science over the BIK can be useful to visitors.

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