Software conversion decimal to degrees minutes seconds - Software conversion decimal to degrees minutes seconds This is one of the main complementary tools that can be used in helping to detect or track the location of blogspot blog visitors who happened to leave a comment as Anonymous.
The identity of anonymous poster comments on blogspot by default can not be detected, but with a little using the free tools we can detect the IP address, city, ISP, latitude longitude coordinates even these anonymous commentators. Sometimes detected only by associating the IP ISP but other supporting data and visitor patterns can help track down the identity of the owner / provider to these comments, about the latitude longitude there is little constraint because the tools used to perform tracing using Cartesian coordinate in decimal system, while in the map and navigation devices use the number system degrees, minutes seconds.
As an example of one of the main results of tracking who is still using the coordinates decimal format can be seen below, the following screenshot using tracer email:
At Longitude and altitude position using coordinates in decimal.
Examples of tracking the coordinates of the email can be found below
Coordinates: IP address latitude: -34.5000 if converted to the format of geographic coordinates degree results -34 degrees 30 minutes 0 seconds
Benefits of converting these number systems to minimize the shift of the coordinates of which are listed in the following websites and mobile devices such as GPS navigation (hp or a modem equipped with GPS feature)
As can be seen rinciannnya reference below:
a. Suppose rata2 earth radius 6400 km (the radius of the earth varies depending on the coordinate Latitude Longitude)
b. So 1 degree in the map proportional to 35555.55 m (distance in the earth)
1 minute on the map is proportional to 592.59 m in the earth
1 second on a map comparable with 9.88 meters in the earth
If you enter the coordinates to the difference of 10 seconds, so the location tracking shifted 10 seconds then the shift in the earth of about 98.8 meters. if shifted about 20 seconds then there is a difference in shifts of about 197.6 meters.

This software can be used to convert from decimal to degrees minutes seconds, or vice versa conversion from degrees min sec to decimal. lengkapnnya references can be found here convert degrees/minutes/seconds angles

Software can be downloaded here convert decimal to degree minute second
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